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Yesterday we presented at the Nakar Hotel a project that merges art and technology in collaboration with the artist Jose Luis Mesas.

The objective of this project is to promote Mallorcan art, representing it in an innovative way in the domotic devices of the Nakar Hotel, a hotel with Majorcan roots with great interest in art and interior design.


To carry out this project, small fragments of the Mesas work casually called “Robot” have been selected and have been reflected in the air conditioning display and the push-buttons of the “Suite Mesas” of the Nakar Hotel.

Guests of this suite will enjoy useful and elegant glass devices that will have a great artistic value from today, being unique in the world, since it is the first time that technology incorporates art into domotic automation mechanisms.


In addition to the work “Robot” exhibited in the “Suite Tables”, the attendees of the presentation and hotel guests can contemplate three other works of the artist in the hotel: the painting “Freedom” located in the hall, and the works “Einstein” and “Pregnant Menina” exposed in the Cuit restaurant of Miquel Calent chef.

About Jose Luis Mesas

The works of the Majorcan artist Jose Luis Mesas, who in October delivered two works to the Pope in the Vatican that will be soon exhibited at the Vatican Museum, mix pop art and surrealist art in a very personal style known as “The Mesismo”, which highlights the great use of color and its Mediterranean influences. In addition to his permanent exhibition in Miami, we should spotlight his work “The Christ of the Gypsies and the Four Elements” at the Mayte Spínola de Marmolejo Museum (Jaén); a 100 m2 painting that is considered the largest work in Spain.

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