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From the industrial revolution until today one of the main problems of our society is the management of energy sources. Energy is indispensable so that any activity of our daily life can be carried out: from going to work, for cooking or even for our leisure time.

According to the BP Stadistical Review of World Energy 2017 report, since 2007 the world average energy consumption has grown steadily at a rate of 1.8% per year. Obviously, growth of this draft is not sustainable in the long term, either from the point of view of available resources or the environmental impact of energy sources based on carbon compounds. For this reason, there is a need to increase the use of renewable energy sources and reduce energy consumption. In other words, maintaining our standard of living by consuming less energy.

The objective is clear, but the big question that remains to be resolved is how to carry it out. According to the 2018 data of the EEA (European Environment Agency) in Europe there are three main sectors in which energy consumption can be grouped: Industry (31%), Mobility (28%) and Buildings (41%). As you can see, human activities in buildings account for the majority of energy consumption in Europe. Therefore, it is expected that a reduction in energy consumption in buildings will have a great impact on global computing.

In this field, building automation systems play a fundamental role. The European Commission launched at the end of 2018, the EN15232-1: 2018 standard “Energy efficiency of buildings. Part 1: Impact of automation, control and management of buildings ”. This standard basically allows structuring, defining and estimating the impact of building automation systems on its energy consumption.

The standard classifies building automation systems into four classes ordered from highest to lowest impact in reducing energy consumption: A, B, C and D. In this case, the standard defines as reference class C. According to some examples of the EU.BAC (European Association for Building Automation Control), just going from a building automation system in class C to one in class B would save up to 20% of energy in heating and air conditioning, and up to 7% in electricity consumption.

Although it is a theoretical calculation, from ROBOTBAS we have been able to verify throughout our more 36 years of history dedicated to building automation and energy saving, that in real hotel facilities we can have savings rates of around 18%.

All these data accredit and position building automation systems as an indispensable tool for managing energy consumption, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to improving the impact on the environment.

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